Applications for the Class of 2026 are now closed. Check back in the fall for information on the next round of auditions.
Launched 20 years ago in 2005, the highly respected Strathmore Artist in Residence (AIR) Program was created to support outstanding local musicians as they transition into career artists. Each year, through a competitive selection process, six artists are chosen to participate. They benefit from mentorship by experienced musicians, 30 hours of professional development seminars, a professional photo shoot, videography, extensive performance opportunities, and a $6,000 stipend during the 10-month program.
Read about the program in WTOP's recent series:
- Howard University’s Langston Hughes II shines in Strathmore resident program
- How a DC beatboxer turned Strathmore resident program into Grammy acclaim
Eligibility Requirements
- Between the ages of 16-32
- Performing at a high level of musical integrity
- An ability to compose and improvise
- Living in the greater DC-Baltimore region
How to Apply
Audition for the AIR Class of 2025-26!
All artists must first submit materials via email. From applicants, we select candidates for auditions. Auditions will be held in early 2025.
Applications open October 16 and close December 16. During this window only, please submit the following items to
- Personal contact information
- Personal bio
- Your performance history from January 2023 to the present, including venues and dates
- Three YouTube links featuring you performing. At least one of these must be an original composition. Please choose these carefully for sound and visibility qualities
Earlier and incomplete applications will not be considered. You will be notified regarding the status of your application. Details will be provided if you are selected to audition.
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News Alumni Spotlight
Elijah Balbed, Bumper Jacksons & Be Steadwell

Frédéric Yonnet, Chelsey Green, Invoke, and Christylez Bacon are just a few of the incredible artists who have passed through the program.

Book an Artist
Hire a Strathmore Artist in Residence for your next celebration.
Your generous support has a lasting impact on young artists in our community. Together, we help fuel their creativity, give them confidence, and support them when it matters most.