Perspective: Coriolana Simon

Coriolana Simon Still Life On The Edge

Perspective: Coriolana Simon 

Sat, November 18–Sat, January 13

Silver Spring Artist Coriolana Simon returns to Strathmore in our perspective series where artists are their own curator and explore their body of art spatially as well as conceptually.   

Artist Statement

For decades, I have admired the still life paintings by Dutch artists of the 17th century. Not only do they give us a detailed view of Dutch culture and society, but they were painted in a style as realistic as photographs. Now, in the genre known as “history photography,” I create still lifes resembling paintings with my camera. My visual vocabulary, approach to composition, and use of lighting all bow to the Dutch golden age painters. While never copying a painting, I re-interpret the historic themes, using only objects that would have been appropriate in the 17th century. From my ever-growing collection, the pewter plates, baskets, Chinese porcelain, oriental carpets, silver vessels, maps and globes, books, navigational instruments, and traditional roemer wine glasses all seem to spring right out of the Dutch still lifes. This contemporary interpretation, based on knowledge of the past, is what brings the still lifes to life. 

Reconsidering the art of another culture in another era – and making it relevant for us today—is a complex idea to bring to one’s photographs. Nonetheless, I hope that my work not only reinterprets the styles but also the spirit of the 17th century Dutch—and through them, creates a reflection back onto our own culture. Translated across time, the visual language of the Dutch still life painters can speak to us in our contemporary terms, if we just listen. 

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Opening Reception

Mansion Reception

Sat, November 18 | 2pm

Please feel free to come as early as 1pm for this reception.


Please note that we expect demand to exceed our capacity for this opening. Thank you for your patience and for moving through the galleries at a reasonable pace to allow others to enjoy the exhibition and greet the artists. 

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Art Exhibition In Mansion 413X330 Min